Weston-in-Gordano Parish Council
Gardening Group
The Gardening Group
We are an informal, friendly group of people who share an enthusiasm for gardens and gardening, some with lots of knowledge, often acquired through trial and error, others relatively new to gardening.
Our meetings usually include time to share topical tips for both the flower and vegetable gardeners, and sometimes practical activities, such as taking cuttings, which are particularly enjoyable, as they allow an opportunity to learn, and work and talk together.
Meetings are informal, generally input on particular topics is led by members of the group with knowledge in that area, with occasional talks from a visiting speaker.
Our meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month, in the Village Hall, at 7p.m. However in the summer, the programme is more flexible, when meetings will often be held earlier, meeting in members gardens. These visits can provide an opportunity to enjoy different styles of garden in the village, and to share ideas on how to tackle problems, or perhaps how to redesign an area. Over the summer we also arrange visits to gardens open to the public.
We are very pleased to have welcomed several new members who have recently moved to the village. If you would like to join the group, membership is £12 a year, or just £1 a session. If you would like to pop along to a meeting, it’s a good idea to get in touch to confirm details of the meeting in advance, as the time of the meeting may vary.
Please call Penny Roberts 07907 752654 or penny.roberts@live.co.uk for more information.