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Community News

Social Committee Open Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: WiG Parish CouncilWiG Parish Council

Meeting of 6th July 2021

WiG Social Committee called an open meeting to meet with the village residents on 6th July 2021 to discuss future events following the Covid-19 pandemic and previous poor attendance. This meeting was called at short notice so a number of interested parties were unable to attend.

Committee members present:

Simon Davies

Becky Herbert

Sheilagh Williams

Becky Stubbs

Other Villagers present:

Dav Baulch & Vicky Balch

Geoff Mitchell

Robyn Rimmer

M Howard

V Hounsell

Ian Holding

Dave & Chris Lewis

N Gleod

Steve & Maureen Doble


Ian & Angela Borland

John & Anne Bridges

Lucy Luton

Helen Bragg

Sheilagh Williams welcomed all to the meeting.

The committee were keen to understand the requirements of the village for social events following the Covid-19 pandemic as the last two open air events hosted coming out of ‘lockdown’ were not well attended.

The opinion of the next event, the Village BBQ and fun dog show proposed for 26th September was brought forward for discussion.

After lengthy discussion, it was decided that it would be brought forward to Saturday 4th September and emphasis wold be put on it being a ‘fun dog show’ and BBQ and the best venue would be the field below the Church field. The committee will now proceed with the arrangements for this event on the revised date proposed; 4th September 2021..

Dav Baulch suggested that the Committee need to analyse why people were currently not attending events. It was generally agreed that as we were only just emerging from a year and a half of lockdowns, people were insecure regarding any event held, therefore we needed to ease group activities in gently.

It as also mentioned that the Bar and BBQ advertised recently to support the flying club annual events had not been well received, some people not receiving flyers and others mistaking them for flying club events and not village events.

In future we need to make use of the village email data and more door-step selling of events.

Becky Herbert suggested a ‘bring a rug and picnic event and the Lewis’ offered the use of their field and Petanque court. This was supported by most of those present, so a date has been set for Saturday, 31st July between 2-4pm. It was suggested that everyone would invite their neighbours/fellow villagers.

If the weather is bad, the event will be postponed and a message posted on the village website and by word of mouth to a later date.

Becky will prepare a simple flyer to advertise this event and we will try to engage all new residents of the village.

We then asked for suggestions for future events, a few of which are listed below:

Wine or gin tasting

Treasure hunt

Visit to historic site/garden

Book club

Village history event (making use of the knowledge of older long-term residents)

Visit to brewery/bottling site

Minibus ‘pub crawl’

It was agreed that at future event we would have a box for suggestions for events to be considered.

Dav Baulch suggested that the Village Pump/website could request donations towards the funding for village events, paid annually. This would assist the committee to put on more non-fund raising events.

Support of older/infirm village residents by the committee was also suggested. Further details on the viability of this suggestion need to be discussed at a future meeting.

Becky Herbert asked if any of thos present would be willing to stand on the committee.

Helen Bragg, Vicky Baulch and Nancy Gleod are happy to help on an ad hoc basis.

Robyn Rimmer and Steve Doble are happy to join the committee and arrangements will be made to approve this at the next committee meeting.

Becky Herbert agreed to send meeting minutes to all present (using email addresses obtained at the meeting) together with a flyer for the event on 31st July and arrange for a write-up of the Social Committee and details of past/future events to be forwarded to Dav Baulch for inclusion in he next issue of the parish Pump.

The meeting was closed.

Next meeting date tba and advised to committee members shortly.

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